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PSVR's Golem Lives: Musical Prequel Now Available

PSVR's Golem Lives: Musical Prequel Now Available

Remember Golem? It was an intriguing PlayStation VR (PSVR) game announced by indie studio Highwire — formed by ex-members of Halo developer Bungie — back at the 2015 PlayStation Experience. We really haven’t seen much of it since then but, rest assured, it’s still on the way.

We know that much because a musical prequel to the game was released digitally this week. Golem’s soundtrack is composed by Marty O’Donnell, known for his work on Halo and Destiny, and he’s worked on this piece too, named Echoes of the First Dreamer: The Musical Prequel To Golem. To be clear, this isn’t the soundtrack for the game, it’s a whole other piece designed to introduce players to the world and themes of the game. The 12 track album can be found now on services like Spotify and will be released on CD on July 28th, with a vinyl release to follow later on.

Even without knowing much about the game I’d recommend giving the album a listen; it’s beautifully put together and suggests we can expect something similarly moving from the game itself.

“The story of Golem is more intimate — it’s about a small family living on the outskirts of a fallen city so I chose to work with a somewhat lighter ensemble than I have in the past: a piano, chamber orchestra and harp,” O’Donnell said on the album. “But I wrote them all at the piano and it was interesting how the emotional impact of a piece would evolve from the original piano solo to the fully orchestrated version.”

O’Donnell also confirmed the game itself would be out later this year. In it, you play as a blind young girl that discovers she has the ability to possess other objects. She soon discovers giant stone Golems. Playing with a single PlayStation Move controller, you control these beasts, engaging in sword combat with other enemies.

We’re really looking forward to checking Golem out later this year.

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