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Rukkus Has Added VR to its Ticket App, And It's Making Lots of Money From It

Rukkus Has Added VR to its Ticket App, And It's Making Lots of Money From It

Just over a month ago now we told you about a new VR integration from StubHub that let you view venue seats in 360 degrees. It was a neat feature, but Rukkus reckons it can do better.

Rukkus’ own app, which again lets you buy tickets to events like concerts and sports matches through both iOS and Android, is also now compatible with the Google Cardboard HMD with a new addition named Seat360. As seen in the video below, that means you select a seat within a given venue to get a look at the view it offers, then insert your phone into a Cardboard or similar device and look around the scene as if you were already sitting in it. You can then decide on the seat that’s right for you and purchase the corresponding ticket through the app.

Powered by Rukkus

The major difference between StubHub’s and Rukkus’ offerings seems to be content. While the former launched earlier this year with just two venues to view in 360, Rukkus already offers over 40 venues.

But here’s the really interesting bit; Rukkus claims that it’s making a lot of money out of its app, and much of it is to do with the VR integration. The company has confirmed to us that it’s generated $350,000 through the app thus far, and venues that have the Seat360 feature enabled on average are viewed for 40% longer than those that don’t. The number of screens per session is also said to be up over three times. In fact, Rukkus is so confident in the performance of these additions that it’s projecting that it could make a total of $1 million in revenue somewhere between the middle and end of this month.

It’s rare to see a company be so bullish about the financial side of its VR work, but ultimately encouraging. While a lot of 360 content feels like its testing the waters, this is one of the first genuinely useful applications of the tech we’ve seen. Maybe you don’t want to watch a concert in VR, but you can still use it to find out where you do want to see it from.

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