Into The Radius is heading to PlayStation VR2 next month.
Originally launched on Steam in 2020, Into The Radius from CM Games is now heading to Sony's latest virtual reality headset. Publisher Fast Travel Games confirmed the full campaign is running at 90fps performance that utilizes foveated rendering via eye-tracking in its rendering.
Headset and controller haptic feedback are also supported, activating when you've been hit, while the Sense Controller adaptive triggers offer a bit of resistance when firing. There will also be 3D Audio to let you track the world around you with not just your eyes but your ears.
Both Into The Radius and its sequel have gained a large fan following. The atmosphere is one of our highlights in both the original game and the current early access version of Into The Radius 2. It'll be interesting to see if the latter also ends up leaping onto Sony's headset, though the sequel is currently PC VR exclusive.
Into The Radius will be on sale for $30 on September 19, and it's 10% cheaper if you pre-order.