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Pornhub Gets Half A Million VR Views A Day

Pornhub Gets Half A Million VR Views A Day

We’ve all heard it said; porn will help the VR industry succeed, much like it did VHS and the internet itself. It’s a point people have made ad nauseum at this point, but now leading site Pornhub has revealed some stats to back it up.

The site’s new infographics confirm that it gets around a massive 500,000 daily views of its 360 videos, which you can watch with mobile VR headsets like Google Cardboard. Not surprisingly (though somewhat disturbingly), those views surpassed 900,000 on Christmas day.

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Popular search terms were also revealed and they’re largely very general for now. The top six search terms including VR (the most popular), 360 VR, 360 Degree, Virtual Reality, 3D VR, and 360 Cam. Then it gets into a little more specific territory. Just check the graph.

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Pornhub’s results also show that men are 160% more likely to watch VR videos over women, and that most people that watch VR content are between 25 to 34 (47% of viewers, to be precise). Thailand is the most popular country for VR content. In fact, the USA doesn’t even rank on the list of 21 countries that watch these videos the most.

None of these results are all that surprising, really, but it’s interesting to see this content catching on with a larger audience.

Currently Pornhub features more than 2,600 of these videos, having started with just 30 back in Spring 2016. You can expect these figures to keep growing as VR itself grows in popularity. After all, porn is going to help the VR industry succeed. Didn’t you know that?

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