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Palmer Luckey: "Preorders are coming soon after new year"

Palmer Luckey: "Preorders are coming soon after new year"

Oculus co-founder Palmer Luckey dropped some news on Twitter, adding to the reveal yesterday that the completed Rift and software development platform is now shipping to developers who are preparing software for the launch of the headset.

It’s nice that Luckey gave everyone this heads up because I’m sure in the last 24 hours some VR enthusiasts had started carrying their credit card around with them at all times just in case the Rift suddenly went on sale. Oculus also recently made it clear the 1.0 Software Development Kit would be compatible with DK2.

As a reminder, highly anticipated made-for-VR game EVE: Valkyrie is included for free with each pre-order. Luckey has also hinted the game is one of multiple games that might be bundled with the headset.

With HTC Vive preparing big news for CES, it’s looking like the event is going to be a major moment for consumer VR.

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