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Popcap co-founder teams up with ex Microsoft, Valve and Disney employees to form new VR startup

Popcap co-founder teams up with ex Microsoft, Valve and Disney employees to form new VR startup

John Vechey, co-founder of the popular mobile game developer/publisher PopCap, has left the company to start a new VR company, Pluto VR. Joining Vechey are Jared Cheshier, Jonathan Geibel and Forest Gibson who bring with them experience working with companies like Microsoft, Valve, and Disney.

The company is not looking to get into the games space, at least not yet. A statement of intention on the website gives a bit of a clue as to what the company is working on:

We live in an increasingly connected world. With video-conferencing, social media, and online gaming, we can communicate and play with others like never before. However, talking into a phone, sharing a video, or looking at a webcam aren’t natural ways of communicating and don’t come close to what it is like to sit across the table from someone and share an experience.

With augmented and virtual reality technology it is now possible to feel a sense of presence with other people, allowing you to communicate, collaborate, and connect from anywhere in the world, as if you were there in person.

This is what Pluto VR is building.

From the sound of things the company will be developing within the social VR space, joining companies like Altspace, Convrge, VRChat, and JanusVR in trying to figure out the best way to connect people in a virtual social environment. It’s a crowded space but one that has lots of room to grow. Pluto VR also mentions that they are also looking to get involved in the augmented reality space, which separates them from the rest of the pack.

Augmented Reality communication could be very interesting. With 3D scanning technology becoming improving the way is has been, while also getting cheaper and accessible, it isn’t long before we have photo realistic scanned in avatars of ourselves. In the next couple years you could be talking to your family and see them all around the table with you, augmented in to your world.

PlutoVR will be in attendance at GDC, but they will not be showing anything at this time. The company is looking to bring in an Art Director, a 3D Artist, and an Office Manager to help grow their vision. So if you are looking to get involved, be sure to enquire. And remember, Vechey’s last venture exited for $250 million

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