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MultiBrush Update Adds Meta Avatars, Passthrough Mode

MultiBrush Update Adds Meta Avatars, Passthrough Mode

A new update for open source Tilt Brush alternative MultiBrush adds two key features — Meta avatar integration and passthrough support.

After Google ceased development on Tilt Brush and made it open source in January 2021, the community began to take the app over and produce its own versions with more features than the original.

MultiBrush is one of these community alternatives, offering the same functionality as the base app while also allowing more than one player to work on an artwork at the same time. MultiBrush launched over a year ago, first appearing on App Lab in 2021 before moving over to the official Quest Store in January 2022.

Up until now, other users in MultiBrush were represented by a floating headset. Thanks to a new update that rolled out this week, users can now use their Meta avatar in MultiBrush, meaning you’re able to create art with your friends, represented by their actual avatars.

Interestingly, the avatars will even scale up and down in size to match the scale of the user. As you can see in the screenshot below, the user has zoomed out of the tree artwork and is looking at two other users, who appear smaller to match the scale they’re working at.

This should massively increase immersion and presence in MultiBrush, especially when used in conjunction with the new passthrough integration to use the app in your own space via the Quest’s cameras

The other biggest community-made Tilt Brush alternative, Open Brush, is also working on implementing passthrough support and multiplayer functionality. The former is further along, with developers sharing footage of passthrough mode in February.

MultiBrush is available for $19.99 on Meta Quest. While the original Tilt Brush app by Google is also still available on Quest for $19.99, Open Brush is available on App Lab and offers all the same (and increased) functionality as Google’s original app, entirely for free.

Once Open Brush adds multiplayer and passthrough, MultiBrush may have to add more features to justify its price tag. The developers do mention that they have “exciting plans on the horizon”, so we’ll be keeping an eye on both apps over the next few months.

You can read more about the latest MultiBrush update here.

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