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I Expect You To Die Mixed Reality Mission Coming Free To Quest 2, Quest Pro

I Expect You To Die Mixed Reality Mission Coming Free To Quest 2, Quest Pro

Schell Games is releasing I Expect You To Die: Home Sweet Home on October 25, a free mixed reality “mini-mission” available on Quest 2 and Quest Pro.

The experience will bring the spy-themed escape room gameplay from the I Expect You To Die series into your own living room. It will use the Quest platform’s passthrough mode to create a mixed reality experience that overlays game elements on the in-VR view of your play area. Here’s a description from Schell Games:

After being smuggled out of a top-secret medical facility, players become Secret Agents in their own living rooms. Equipped with a brand new ocular implant, Agents must solve puzzles, escape sinister traps, and use the latest spy technology to defeat Dr. Zor’s evil plans.”

You can get a better picture of how the mixed reality functionality will work in the trailer embedded above. While the free experience will be available on both Quest 2 and the newly-announced Quest Pro headset, the latter will benefit from improvements to passthrough. The trailer above shows the greyscale passthrough view from Quest 2, but passthrough on Quest Pro will display in full color, likely improving the overall mixed reality experience.

“Mixed reality offers an experiential immersion as opposed to a purely visual one,” said Ryan Hall, Project Director for Home Sweet Home, in a prepared statement. “Keeping the player on their toes by warping their familiar surroundings was a lot of fun to figure out.”

I Expect You To Die: Home Sweet Home releases free for Quest 2 and Quest Pro on October 25.

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