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Here Are 23 Of The 30+ Experiences Vive Is Showing At CES

Here Are 23 Of The 30+ Experiences Vive Is Showing At CES

We already know what HTC won’t be showing at CES: the next iteration of the Vive. So, what is it showing?

Apps. And lots of them.

HTC revealed 23 of the more than 30 apps that the company is showing on the Vive in Las Vegas next week. We’ll see plenty of upcoming games like new Vive Studios projects in Arcade SagaFront Defense and Knockout League, along with much anticipated projects like Star Trek: Bridge Crew. There’s also already available apps like ROM: Extraction and The Nest.

star trek vr image 2

But it’s not just games; plenty of business, medical, and education apps will also be on display. Apps like YOUVR, Lifeliqe, and MakeVR will be there to show what VR can do beyond entertainment. The company will also showcase mixed reality filming with a green screen and host a handful of events throughout the show.

A handful of events are planned, too, including a VR and Fitness showcase on January 4th, and VR showcases for CES Showstoppers attendees on January 5th. HTC will also be livestreaming throughout the event. We’ve listed all that’s been confirmed to be on display below. Hopefully the unrevealed projects means there’s some announcements in store; HTC is certainly teasing some big projects for the months to come.

Games and Entertainment

  • Arcade Saga – 
  • Front Defense 
  • Knockout League
  • Mindshow 
  • The Music Room
  • The Nest
  • Racket: Nx
  • ROM: Extraction
  • Star Trek: Bridge Crew


  • 3DEXPERIENCE platform and “Virtual Garage”
  • GE Store VR Experience
  • IBM Speech Sandbox
  • Jaguar I-PACE Reveal
  • MakeVR
  • VR Museum Experience

Health & Medical

  • The Body VR
  • The Physiology of the Eye
  • OssoVR


  • ENGAGE “The Life Project”
  • Lifeliqe
  • Remembering Pearl Harbor
  • Titanic VR

UploadVR is going to be at CES all week long to bring you the latest from the show, so expect hands-on impressions of these apps along with interviews and more.

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