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EVE Valkyrie Gets Oculus Touch Support Sans Motion Controls

EVE Valkyrie Gets Oculus Touch Support Sans Motion Controls

Thanks to all the great deals on Oculus hardware this summer, the number of people using the Oculus Touch controller has skyrocketed. In response to player demand, EVE: Valkyrie developer CCP Games has added beta support for the Oculus controllers.

We have a hard time imagining a space-sim like EVE: Valkyrie with motion controls. How could something like the Oculus touch compare to the fidelity of a joystick or gamepad? CCP Games agrees.

In a post announcing Oculus Touch support, the developer wrote, “EVE: Valkyrie was designed to be played with a controller, and the developers spent a lot of time making sure flying your ship with one felt as smooth and intuitive as possible…Here’s the problem with using Oculus Touch: motion controls simply don’t give you the precision you need in Valkyrie. It’s not at all easy to turn your Wraith on a sixpence and line up a devastating salvo when you’re trying to fly it while waving your hands in the air; it actually feels less, not more, responsive.”

Despite these reservations, player demand drove CCP to give would-be pilots the option to use the Touch without motion control support. Unfortunately, there are dozens of ship functions to worry in EVE: Valkyrie, and only a limited number of buttons on Oculus’ controller, so at least one ability- the ability to cancel a missile lock- will be unavailable to Touch players. CCP says they’re working with Oculus to find a way around this issue, but that they “reasoned that you’d rather have Touch support with a little missing functionality than no Touch support whatsoever.”

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