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This ARKit App Uses Virtual Footsteps To Show You How To Dance

This ARKit App Uses Virtual Footsteps To Show You How To Dance

Got two left feet? Want to wow your partner with your best moves? This new app built on Apple’s ARKit debuts a brilliant new way to teach people to dance. All you’ll need is an iPhone.

Dance Reality, as the app is called, was concieved by two Seattle-based salsa dancers following the debut of Apple’s new augmented reality platform earlier this year. Developer Andy Albani noted that learning to dance well can take months of practice even just to start finding your feet. Dance Reality, however, literally shows you the steps and allows you to easily mimicking them with your own feet.

It’s surprisingly simple; all you need do is select a song and you’ll see a pair of colored footstep projected onto the floor through your iPhone screen. They’ll play on a loop so that you can get a feel for how to move and them step into them for yourself and start practising. There’s even a counting voice over to help you stay on the beat, though you can control the speed so that you can slow things down to help fine tune your moves. The app even includes instructional videos from professionals.

Best of all Dance Reality includes both solo and couple practice, so two of you can perfect your routine.

Right now the app is in beta. If you want to give it a try for yourself you can sign up over on an official website. You’ll need iOS 11, though, which isn’t actually out in consumer form just yet.

We’re seeing amazing things with ARKit before people have even really got to grips with it. What else do developers have in store for the platform?

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