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VR Experiences

The 4 Most Patriotic VR Experiences To Try This July 4th

The 4 Most Patriotic VR Experiences To Try This July 4th

Happy freedom day everyone! I’m sure you’re all treating your bald eagles well and listening to the Hamilton soundtrack on repeat. If that isn’t enough to bring out your inner ‘Murica, here are four patriotic virtual reality experiences you can try to really stick it to that tyrant King George.

Hot Dogs, Horseshoes, and Hand Grenades 

Americans love their guns. Heck, I’m pretty sure McDonald’s is handing out Sig Sauers in their Happy Meals these days.

There are some who question our love affair with firearms – one that has led to more mass shootings than any other nation on the planet – but to that we say: this isn’t about logic, common sense, or the good of our fellow man; this is about something much more important: pieces of metal that make loud noises when you squeeze them. You can’t put a price on that.

HDHSHG might be the gunniest VR gun game on the market today. Available on the Vive, it brings you into the range of your dreams and lets you unload the year’s frustrations through clip after clip of realistic splatter.

Be a real American this 4th of July and shoot a gun just for the sake of shooting a gun. What could possibly go wrong?

The Contenders


The Contenders is a very powerful, and criminally underrated, 360 documentary produced by the New York Times. It puts you in the middle of political rallies being held by many of this election cycle’s top candidates.

If you’ve ever wondered how certain candidates gained the somewhat baffling levels of popularity they enjoy today, then The Contenders is a must-watch. It may not be the most fun thing to witness, but its eye-opening relevance makes it highly important during such an important political season.

Fireworks: Lady Liberty


This holiday is about many things: food, friendship, remembering our nation’s storied past. But what it is really about is watching things explode hundreds of feet in the sky.

Fireworks: Lady Liberty cuts straight to that point and takes you to a lovely New York harbor showcase of color, light, and sound. It’s also free and available on the Samsung Gear VR, so this might be the most accessible experience out of this star spangled group.

Make sure to see some real fireworks tonight, but don’t be ashamed to add in this extra hit before the real show kicks off. We know you need it.

Tilt Brush

The beautiful thing about Google’s Tilt Brush experience for the HTC Vive is that it truly allows you to create whatever you want in a fully explorable 3D space. On this particular day of the year that could mean Mt. Rushmore, fireworks, or Donald Trump’s eerily tiny hands.

Whatever you chose, Tilt Brush offers you the freedom to unleash your inner patriot to the fullest on this 4th of July.

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