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VR Lens Lab Unveils Prescription Solution For Rift And Vive

VR Lens Lab Unveils Prescription Solution For Rift And Vive

VR Lens Lab is back on Kickstarter.

The German company previously took to the fundraising website in an attempt to gather funds for its prescription virtual reality lenses. These would ideally provide vision impaired VR users with a more ergonomic way to enjoy their games and experiences.

The company’s first foray ended its campaign on February 3. It did not reach its €5,000 goal and closed with insufficient funds at €2,300. This could have been the end for the young company, but instead its founders – Peter “Pit” Marx and Jay Uhdinger – decided to rework their concept, create a more concrete prototype, and try their luck one more time.  lens

VR Lens Labs’ New Kickstarter page went live on Thursday April 7, and it met its goal in only a matter of hours. This campaign was asking for $5,687 and it quickly reached that goal before going on to surpass it by several thousand dollars. Currently, the campaign has raised over $11,000 from 315 backers and it still has over a month to draw in additional donations.

The difference between the earlier failed campaign and the current successful installment seems to have been made by the prototypes.


This image shows a completed HTC Vive compatible prescription lens insert. By revealing to the VR fanbase – both on Reddit and on the project’s Kickstarter page – that these inserts have gone from interesting concept to physical product, Uhdinger and Marx seem to have struck enough of a chord within the early adopter community to see their fundraising goal be both met and surpassed in less than a single day.

Backers who pledge just $19 to the campaign will secure a pair of either HTC Vive or Oculus Rift compatible frames. However, the company clarifies that the prescription lenses must be ordered separately:

Right now here on Kickstarter we only offer the glasses / adapters with or without plano (non rx) lenses to protect your VR headset lenses from dust and scratches.

We can not offer prescription lenses here on Kickstarter but after our campaign is over you can order them directly from us via or your local optician.

The page copy also explains that VR Lens Lab can match almost any prescription for these inserts:

We can provide any prescription from +6.00 dpt to -6.00 dpt, and correct for things like astigmatism to give you whatever you need. If you have higher prescriptions, get in touch ( and we check what we can do for you.

As mentioned in our previous article, VR Lens Lab exists in partnership with Marx’ other company: Gauss Eyewear. Gauss has been a creator and provider of high quality prescription lenses for years.

The Kickstarter campaign for VR lens lab will end on May 10. According to the page, orders will begin to be delivered in June of this year.

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