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Oculus Go Launch Titles Include Bigscreen And A New Game From Wilson's Heart Dev

Oculus Go Launch Titles Include Bigscreen And A New Game From Wilson's Heart Dev

Oculus Go, Facebook’s first standalone VR headset, finally launches today with a heap of apps that already appear on the device’s smartphone-powered sibling, Gear VR. But, this being a platform launch and all, we’re expecting a few new experiences too. Oculus is ready to deliver.

At least 21 new apps are gracing the platform today including some welcome surprises from some of VR’s best-known names. Wilson’s Heart developer Twisted Pixel, for example, launched a brand new game named B-Team (not to be confused with the team’s upcoming Oculus Rift exclusive, Defector). It’s a first-person action title in which you swap between four different characters and utilize their different abilities to put a stop to an alien invasion.

Another big release is the long-awaited launch of social VR app Bigscreen on mobile platforms. This has long been one of PC VR’s most versatile apps, allowing friends to stream content from their desktops onto virtual screens. The free mobile version supports cross-play with the PC edition, too.

One of the first full Gear VR games, Dead Secret, also gets a sequel in Dead Secret Circle from Robot Invader, while the port of the episodic stealth action game, Republique VR, also releases today.

Many other popular VR developers are returning for the launch of Go, though. Coatsink delivers its latest mobile VR effort in They Suspect Nothing, while House of Fables launches trainset simulator, Trains VR. The next installment in OZWE games Anshar series, Anshar Online, is now available, as is the next game from Darknet developer E McNeill in Astraeus. Targem Games’ BlazeRush makes the jump from Rift to Go, meanwhile, and Forcefield VR launches a monster-breeding game called Pet Lab with in-app purchases.

Interestingly, a lot of games previously exclusive to Google’s Daydream mobile VR platform are launching on Go today. They include Big Red Button’s Arcslinger, Superbright’s Claro, Otherside’s Underworld Overlord and, most notably, Tender Claws’ Virtual-Virtual Reality (which was one of our favorite VR experiences of last year).

Rounding out the list, there’s VR creation with SculptrVR, sci-fi board gaming in Race for the Galaxy, music from Melody VR, and educational experiences like Mel Chemistry VR, International Space Station Tour, Discovering Space 2, and Al Jazeera Contract VR.

These new titles, combined with the many existing Gear VR games and apps, should give you plenty to play on your Go if you’re picking one up today,

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