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David Attenborough Hologram Stars In Natural History Museum VR Experience

David Attenborough Hologram Stars In Natural History Museum VR Experience

Legendary naturist and documentary maker Sir David Attenborough isn’t a stranger to the world of VR, but he’s about to star in what sounds like his most ambitious headset experience yet.

Sir Attenborough, known for his work on series like Planet Earth and its sequel, will be immortalized as a 3D hologram inside a new experience called Hold the World, which is set to debut in London’s Natural History Museum soon. More than just a simple 360 video, the piece will allow users to pick up and inspect virtual representations of objects like fossils and bones that they wouldn’t usually be allowed to touch. The real objects can also be found within the museum.

David Attenborough

On paper, it pretty much sounds like the virtual museum experience we all envisioned when we first though about VR education. We’re eager to see if those ambitions turns into something that really demonstrates the platform’s potential to enhance learning.

In a prepared statement Sir Attenborough called the experience a “new step in how people can explore and experience nature, all from the comfort of their own homes and I am delighted to be able to help users uncover some of the treasures the Natural History Museum has to offer in a thrilling new way.”

The piece will be produced by Factory 42, and was commissioned by Sky VR Studio.

It’s not the first VR project to feature Attenborough; years back he always starred in another documentary named First Life, which recently came to PlayStation VR and he’s since shot 360 degree videos with the BBC, too.

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