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VR Gaming

WWII Flight Sim IL-2 Sturmovik Gets VR Support

WWII Flight Sim IL-2 Sturmovik Gets VR Support

There are few VR experiences more immersive than jumping into the cockpit of a plane, taking to the skies and taking part in vicious dog fights. It’s why EVE: Valkyrie is still one of the leading VR games, and why we’re so looking forward to Ace Combat 7. This week, though, a new contender has entered the fray: IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad.

This World War II-set flight sim, developed by 1C Games Studios, actually released back in 2013 for PC, but yesterday’s 2.0009 update introduced OpenVR support, meaning the game can now be played with the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. It looks like all of the games modes are available inside VR, allowing you to pilot realistic virtual recreations of planes from that era.

1C Games has clearly put some effort into its VR integration. For example, the game will offer different comfort modes, like an option to either let a user’s camera move through the cockpit’s glass and panels should the user lean into them, or instead prevent the camera from moving outside to keep you grounded in the experience. That latter option might be a little much for those that easily suffer from VR simulation sickness, though.

There are new control options too, including a camera zoom that will allow you to spot points of interest off in the distance.

Sturmovik was well received upon release four years ago, so it could be worth adding to your collection, though we haven’t gone hands-on with it ourselves. The game prides itself on realism, with everything down to the sounds a vehicle makes having close attention paid to it. There are both single and multiplayer modes including a full campaign in which you’ll unlock different aircraft. It might not be as accessible as other VR flight games, then, but it’s certainly got an audience it will appeal to.

According to a forum post 1C Games has also “heavily updated” the game’s visuals for this update, so non-VR players have a reason to jump back in too.

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