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VR Gaming

Over 100,000 DK2s sold since March, says CEO Brendan Iribe

Over 100,000 DK2s sold since March, says CEO Brendan Iribe

In a tweet today from Oculus CEO Brendan Iribe, we got a glimpse into just how many DK2s are out in the wild now, and the answer is a lot!

The Oculus Rift DK2 was announced at last year’s GDC and started shipping in July. The kit brought with it increased resolution and positional tracking, two major improvements over the previous development kit. At first, the device struggled with a bit of a buggy SDK as eager developers stumbled out of the blocks frustratingly trying to port their experiences over to the new hardware. But in the months since the software (and the hardware) has improved quite a bit and developers have fallen in love with the device.

100,000 developer kits in the wild is something that we should all celebrate, it goes to show just how strong the interest in the development community – and community as a whole – has become. And as GDC 2015 approaches, we all wait with baited breath for what is to come. Until then, cheers to the pioneers out there taking the risks necessary to drive this industry forward.

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