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MasterpieceVR Launches Today With Cross-Platform Collaborative Sculpting and Painting

MasterpieceVR Launches Today With Cross-Platform Collaborative Sculpting and Painting

Virtual spaces offer players, enthusiasts, creatives, and professional entities near infinite work spaces for many interests. A great deal of popular existing experiences like Tilt Brush and ScluptVR are of a more creative slant, giving users virtual chisel and paint brush so that they can formulate the brightest and even some of the darkest creations within VR.

While there are applications that offer collaborative experiences in creative VR, Brinx Software is attempting to go the extra mile with cross-platform teamwork for their new program: MasterpieceVR. We had an opportunity to get an early hands-on with the program in December, but now it’s available for download on Steam — entirely for free for a limited time.

MasterpieceVR is a robust creative platform with over 12 different sculpting tools, over 12 paint brushes, and the option to work in a handful of realistic or dream-like environments. Mechanically, it’s almsot like a combination of Tilt Brush and Oculus MediumMasterpieceVR‘s biggest hook, though, is the ability to work in real time with other creatives around the world.

Whether using an Oculus Rift or HTC Vive, 2 users are allowed in a virtual space at one time and regardless of platform they can team up to make things together. Via email correspondence, Brinx Software CEO Jonathan Gagne also confirmed that the player count will increase to 4 in the next few weeks and grow steadily over the life of the platform.

No matter who you decide to work with, the Brinx Software team has made a pointed effort to create a program where “ease of use is a key differentiator and strength” as so put by Gagne. “In fact, this technology allowed us to teach an eight-year old child how to model in less than 60 seconds. With a vision to build the future of VR, we are enabling people around the world to translate creative ideas into 3D works of virtual art. There is nothing that lets you collaborate like it on the market today.”

MasterpieceVR is available on Steam for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. For a limited time, it is available for free and we don’t have information on when and to what extent that will change.

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