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Latest Use For Google's Tilt Brush: Popping The Question

Latest Use For Google's Tilt Brush: Popping The Question

A proposal is an incredibly intimate and memorable moment in the story of a couple. While there are still some that choose to execute this romantic moment by hiding the ring in a glass of champagne (which I still say gives you an equal chance of executing your bride-to-be), there are others that devote the time and effort that the moment demands.

As we move into the next era of technology with self-driving cars, drones, wearable devices, and virtual reality, people are beginning to grab hold of these innovations and harness their power for their amorous adventures. Two gentlemen made the decision to use the VR application known as Tilt Brush to ask one of life’s most important questions, and the results are nothing short of heartwarming.

Tilt Brush, for the uninitiated, is an intuitive VR creation tool that is being developed at Google and runs on the HTC Vive headset. The system allows you to create fully 3D artistic projects inside of a walk-around virtual space. There are a litany of interesting brushes, tools and other mechanics to choose from and these two hopeful potential husbands used them to great effect in the videos below.

This first edition was submitted to YouTube by username: Jason all the Way. The proposer in this case decided to create a virtual ring box for the proposee to open and it proved to be effective enough to garner a positive response. Fortunately the gentleman in question also had a physical ring as well, otherwise things may not have turned out so well.

In this second video the artist behind the virtual brush was clearly the guy that made you feel inadequate in high school art class. Submitted to YouTube by DGreen1Up, the footage here focuses mainly on the creation itself which appears to be some sort of flaming apple tree. This no doubt had some significance to the couple in question and, again, the gambit proved savvy enough to earn this masterful creator a brand new fiancee.

These two Tilt Brush projects are not the only way people have used VR to embark on the incredible journey of matrimony. In June, we reported about a man using the Oculus Rift to conduct his own immersive proposal, which itself was not the first proposal in VR.

Thus proving once and for all that love is not platform exclusive.

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