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Check Out Early Development Footage Of Wraith: The Oblivion - Afterlife

Check Out Early Development Footage Of Wraith: The Oblivion - Afterlife

Just in from this year’s Upload VR Showcase: Summer Edition – we have early development footage of Wraith: The Oblivion – Afterlife!

The first VR game in the World of Darkness universe — announced a little earlier then expected last week — is being developed by Fast Travel Games. The first full gameplay trailer is set to arrive in August, but Fast Travel has pulled together a very, very early look at the of the game’s environments in a new clip below exclusive to the Showcase. Check out the content, introduced by Fast Travel’s Erik Odeldahl.

Again, this is just a small peek, but you can already get a sense of the atmosphere Fast Travel is going for. As the teaser trailer (also embedded in the trailer above) reveals, at least part of Wraith will be set inside the confines of a creepy mansion, and it looks like that’s what we’re seeing here.

Fast Travel says Wraith is a full-on horror VR game, inspired by the likes of Amnesia: The Dark Descent and Alien: Isolation. Other details are thin on the ground right now, but it seems safe to say this will be a terrifying VR adventure. Fast Travel previously worked on Apex Construct, The Curious Tale of the Stolen Pets, and Budget Cuts 2, so it’s safe to say this is a change of pace for the Stockholm-based developer.

Stay with us on the Upload VR Showcase: Summer Edition. We’ve got plenty more to come including the latest look at Low-Fi and Vertigo Remastered. You won’t to miss this!

Check out every trailer, article, announcement, interview, and more from the UploadVR Showcase right here.

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