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Vive, Windows VR Gain Ground, Rift Shrinks In Latest Steam Hardware Survey

Vive, Windows VR Gain Ground, Rift Shrinks In Latest Steam Hardware Survey

Newer VR headsets like the HTC Vive Pro and Windows VR headsets are the winners in the October Steam Hardware Survey results.

HTC’s enhanced VR headset, which Valve started listing on the survey last month, grew from 2.03% to 2.27% of overall VR headset usage following October. That’s not a huge amount but, when you add it to the standard Vive’s total, which grew from 42.36% to 42.7%, HTC is on 44.97%. That’s not a big gap between Rift, which shrank from 47.27% to 46.39% this month. Could Vive’s two headset approach put HTC back on course to overtake Oculus in the survey once again?

Microsoft’s Windows VR headsets, meanwhile, continue to grow from 7.22% last month to 7.7% this month. It could be that the introduction of Samsung’s new Odyssey+ headset, which features a promising new display, and a big sale on its predecessor helped push those numbers slightly.

As always, we note that these figures don’t necessarily reflect the actual install base of PC VR headsets, as the hardware survey is optional and requires users to have their VR kit plugged in for it to be registered.

Either way, we’ll be interested to see how these charts change as PC VR enters its third (!) holiday season. Black Friday is just a few weeks away and you can be sure there’ll be deals galore to take advantage of.

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