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Vive Group Edition Bundles 10 Headsets in China

Vive Group Edition Bundles 10 Headsets in China

HTC is constantly exploring new ways to get its Vive VR headset out to as many people as possible, be it through traditional transactions, payment plans, or location-based VR. It’s latest initiative, though, ships the device in bulk.

At the Vive Ecosystem Conference in China today HTC announced Vive Group Edition, a set of 10 Business Edition headsets and two lighthouse base stations, available for 49,999 RMB, which converts to $7,271. That works out to $721 for a standard Vive, but without a set of two base stations they’re practically useless. It’s worth noting that individual Business Editions of the Vive sell for $1,200, so it’s a significantly larger saving on that front.

Base stations can track multiple headsets, though, so this set will allow you to set up and use the 10 Vives so long as they’re all together. HTC is aiming the bundle at the entertainment, enterprise and education markets. For the former, it could be used for location-based arcade and multiplayer experiences, while the latter markets could use the setup for individual sessions like classes or business seminars. Anyone interested in the bundle has to fill out a form detailing what it will be used for.

The company told UploadVR that it had not announced plans to bring the Group Edition to the west. It also hasn’t confirmed if these bundles will include the upcoming Deluxe Audio Strap, which releases in June.

This is just one of several announcement HTC had to make today. The company also revealed that it has partnered with Warner Bros. to create content for the upcoming Ready Player One movie and announced the next batch of startups to join its Vive X accelerator platform. The anticipated Vive Tracker peripheral went on sale for developers today, too.

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