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Vision Summit Attendees Get Free Acer VR Headset Developer Kits

Vision Summit Attendees Get Free Acer VR Headset Developer Kits

Last year at Unity’s Vision Summity SteamVR creator Valve gave away free HTC Vive units to everyone in attendance. It was an enormously generous gift, but Microsoft is going one step further at Vision 2017 with Acer’s VR development kit.

The company is giving away development kits for its mixed reality device to anyone at the show, as confirmed at today’s keynote speech. That’s quite a feat; Acer kits only just started shipping.

Acer’s kit is one of several that Microsoft is making in partnership with bigt manufacturers, including Dell, Lenovo, and Asus. Each of these devices will feature inside-out tracking, meaning you won’t need to set up external sensors to track your position in a room.

The first headsets will be launching this holiday season and there’s still plenty to learn about them. Hopefully as more developers get their hands on the kit the mysteries will start being revealed. Until that time, we just got our second look at the device too.

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