Oculus Quest is soon to get an adaptation of a modern classic boardgame, Tsuro.
Tsuro: The Game of the Path is coming to the platform on October 23rd, priced at £7.99/$9.99. That’s just over a week after the launch of the Oculus Quest 2 on October 13th. The headsets have content parity, so you should be able to play it on either. Check out a trailer below.
Tsuro Oculus Quest Confirmed
In Tsuro, up to eight players are each given a stone that starts at the edge of the board. Players then take turns placing tiles with paths engraved into them. If a path is placed in front of a stone, the stone must follow it as far as it can go. It will either come to a halt at the end of the path, or it might direct either back to the edge of the board or into another stone, in which case the stones in question are eliminated. The aim of the game is to be the last stone standing. It’s all set to a lovely little backdrop which includes a fox stalking past every once in a while. Smashing.
This take on the game is developed by Thunderbox Entertainment and was first published on smartphones. There were also Oculus Go and Rift editions published back in 2019, and the Quest version supports cross-play with them alongside a Steam edition and even the mobile edition.
Are you going to be picking up Tsuro when it launches next month? Let us know in the comments below!