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Snowy Adventure Game Kona Gets A Surprise VR Release On PSVR

Snowy Adventure Game Kona Gets A Surprise VR Release On PSVR

Let me take you on a bit of a history trip here. Nearly four years ago now, indie developer Parabole ran a Kickstarter campaign for an episodic mystery game named Kona. Set in snowy Quebec, it had players investigating the strange disappearance of an entire group of people. The campaign raised $44,271 CAD and promised VR support.

Fast forward to 2018 and Kona has been released across a range of platforms, but no VR headsets. That is until today.

A VR version of Kona has popped up on the EU PlayStation Store with PSVR support for £15.99. It’s a bundle that includes the full game and VR upgrade DLC. The DLC is available separately for £4.99. A trailer seems to confirm that this is the full original game played inside PSVR with two Move controllers.

This is a pretty big deal for PSVR fans that have been waiting on a full game to play; Kona offers a massive environment to explore with survival mechanics and a deep story along with drivable vehicles. It’s isolated frozen wastes seem like the perfect environment to explore in VR, so we can’t wait to dive in.

Update: And now a Steam listing for the pack confirms it’s coming to PC VR today too. Yay!

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