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Seeking Dawn Looks Like A Hugely Ambitious VR Shooter

Seeking Dawn Looks Like A Hugely Ambitious VR Shooter

Plenty of news came out of Unity’s Vision Summit keynote talk yesterday, including a look at a hugely ambitious new first-person shooter (FPS) for VR headsets, Seeking Dawn.

This game may have seemingly come out of nowhere, but developer Multiverse already has a few sneak peaks online. Based on the trailer below it looks like players fan expect a pretty polished shooter with role-playing game (RPG) elements and a beautiful world to explore. That’s something we know a lot of people have been asking for in the VR industry.

“Seeking Dawn is a sprawling sci-fi game set on an alien world where the player has to fight for survival,” Multiverse founder and CEO Freeman Fan told the crowd at Vision. “We’re looking to bring many of the mechanics of hugely popular sci-fi games into VR.”

That will apparently include a lengthy playtime — an official site suggests over 10 hours — as well as elements of exploration, crafting and combat. It’s also set to feature co-op multiplayer.

“We know we can make a conventional game in VR more immersive, but can we make it as fun?” Fan asked. He talked about the difficulties of various aspects of VR development, like creating convincing full body gameplay without just resorting to using floating hands. “We’re also working on mechanics that engage your hands, fingers and arms like climbing on the back of a mech or even grabbing an energy shield just in time to deflect an incoming grenade back at your enemy,” Fan said.

The studio is also very particular about movement within VR, noting that it doesn’t want to use teleportation, as it breaks immersion. Instead, Multiverse will give players a range of options to navigate through the world convincingly.

Multiverse itself assembled in 2015 and is currently comprised of 30 people. Fan himself used to work at WeVR, the developer of the memorable introductory VR experience, theBlu.

The game is due to arrive on both the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive is aiming for release in summer 2017.

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