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Resident Evil 7 in VR is 'Too Scary' Even for Capcom's EU CEO

Resident Evil 7 in VR is 'Too Scary' Even for Capcom's EU CEO

Playing Resident Evil 7 biohazard‘s demo on a standard television can be pretty terrifying. In VR? It’s too much even for publisher Capcom’s European CEO Katsuhiko Ichii.

Ichii stated as much in a recent issue of UK B2B magazine, MCV, as reported by Videogamer. All of the PlayStation 4 version of Resident Evil 7 will be playable using PlayStation VR, but some people might not want to go this way. Ichii noted that “Honestly, I find it a bit too scary,” stating that its effects depend on the person playing it. He explained that he expects some people to play the game in part in VR, while others will choose to do the whole thing and others will opt for the standard experience. The key is providing all players with that choice.

If you wanted any reassurance that you’ll be able to handle the game in VR, you won’t find it from Marketing Director Antoine Molant. He said that the game was approached as a “normal non-VR game” with “plenty of frightening jump moments” put in. That said, the company is also making sure not to put “people in danger for real”. That probably means some of the game’s biggest scares are being fine-tuned so as to not give players heart attacks. That would be bad.

Truthfully, we’re somewhat worried about how Resident Evil 7 will turn out in VR if it was designed with standard screens in mind. The game is one of the biggest coming to PS VR, but that makes it all the more important that the experience is perfect. Most VR developers will know that the best games are designed from the ground up for the kit. Given that some people were coming out of the game’s E3 2016 debut demo feeling sick, we’re really hoping the developer can get it into shape in time for its approaching January 24th 2017 release.

PlayStation VR itself releases on October 13. I used to be much more worried that a lot of games wouldn’t be up to snuff, but then I played Farpoint.

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