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Report: Oculus Has Funded 70 VR Games and Experiences

Report: Oculus Has Funded 70 VR Games and Experiences

We’ve already seen a lot of VR games and experiences released with financial support from Oculus, but a new report suggests there’s a lot more to come.

Bloomberg has recently published a big feature on the Oculus Rift and its future with Facebook. Towards the end of the article, it’s stated that Oculus has seeded a total of 70 games and experiences. No specifics were given, though we’d assume this massive number includes both games fully funded by (and thus fully exclusive to) the VR specialist as well as those given financial support in exchange for timed exclusivity. We’d also guess this meant developers working on both the Oculus Rift and Gear VR, and not just one or the other.

Edge of Nowhere 6

That’s an incredibly impressive figure, though it’s important to remember that it doesn’t necessarily mean Oculus has funded 70 different developers. Insomniac Games, for example, would take up at least three spots on that list with Edge of Nowhere, Feral Rites, and The Unspoken, while Sanzaru Games – referenced in the article itself – are making VR Sports Challenge and Ripcoil. Smaller indie studios like Giant Cop developer Other Ocean Interactive are also getting help from the company, so the list fills up quite quickly.

Looking back at what’s already released for Rift, it’s tough to tell how many titles were given financial aid by the company, aside from full exclusives like The Climb and Lucky’s Tale. We counted a little over 10 games we could be sure were at least partially funded by Oculus, but there’s a chance that number is much higher in reality. The company has caught a little heat for its approach to exclusive content in recent months, though has insisted it will continue to fund such projects.

What it does mean is that there are still a lot of Oculus-seeded VR games to come. Many of those will be arriving for the Oculus Touch position-tracked controllers when they launch in Q4 of this year. We’re also yet to see what some developers like 4A Games and Ready at Dawn are working on, having pledged support for the Rift back at E3 2015.

With Gamescom just a few weeks away and Oculus Connect 3 set for October, hopefully we’ll be able to add more games to this list soon.

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