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Possible HTC Vive Developer Kit 2 (VK2) Image Leaks

Possible HTC Vive Developer Kit 2 (VK2) Image Leaks

An image pulled from the HTC Vive website shows what might be a hint of the second Vive Developer Kit, due to launch at CES in January.

Compare the image above with the first Vive developer kit here:


We’ve started calling it “VK2” (Vive Kit 2) to distinguish it from the Oculus DK2. While the image at the top of the post of a possible VK2 depicts a device that looks a bit more rounded and features an outward facing camera, it’s worth remembering this summer’s Oculus “leak” of what turned out to be placeholder images of the consumer Rift depicting features and accessories that didn’t make it into the finalized device, including an outward-facing camera in the exact same spot on the headset.

Another image on the site shows a pair of redesigned controllers that appear much sleeker than the ones in the original Vive development kit. Though it’s hard to tell for sure, both images appear to be renderings.


HTC said it will accept pre-orders in February for the consumer Vive and the company plans to ship in April, likely after the Rift ships to consumers but before the lightweight Oculus Touch tracked hand controllers. HTC has undergone a difficult year, with the launch date for its headset slipping after enduring huge layoffs as sales for its Android phones plummeted.

We’re anxious to end the speculation and see the latest work from HTC and Valve with our own eyes. I sincerely hope the companies are able to stick to the current timeline as I’m desperate to get a Vive into my home for walking VR. I spent some time last weekend with HTC Vive in Orange County at the last stop of its tour in 2015 and got to try both Job Simulator and Tilt Brush for the first time, each of which left me wanting more.

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