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Oculus Co-Founder Palmer Luckey: 'Recent News Stories About Me Do Not Accurately Represent My Views' (UPDATE)

Oculus Co-Founder Palmer Luckey: 'Recent News Stories About Me Do Not Accurately Represent My Views' (UPDATE)

Update: Oculus CEO Brendan Iribe released a statement on Facebook as well:

I want to respond to the recent press stories involving Palmer. I know that Palmer is deeply sorry for the impact this situation is having on the company, our partners and the industry.

Everyone at Oculus is free to support the issues or causes that matter to them, whether or not we agree with those views. It is important to remember that Palmer acted independently in a personal capacity, and was in no way representing the company.

After keeping us waiting for nearly an entire day, Palmer Luckey has issued a statement in response to the recent report that the Oculus Rift creator and Oculus founder has been funding a crude political campaign.

“I am deeply sorry that my actions are negatively impacting the perception of Oculus and its partners.The recent news stories about me do not accurately represent my views,” Luckey said.

“Here’s more background: I contributed $10,000 to Nimble America because I thought the organization had fresh ideas on how to communicate with young voters through the use of several billboards. I am a libertarian who has publicly supported Ron Paul and Gary Johnson in the past, and I plan on voting for Gary in this election as well.

“I am committed to the principles of fair play and equal treatment. I did not write the “NimbleRichMan” posts, nor did I delete the account. Reports that I am a founder or employee of Nimble America are false. I don’t have any plans to donate beyond what I have already given to Nimble America.

“Still, my actions were my own and do not represent Oculus. I’m sorry for the impact my actions are having on the community.”

Luckey’s actions have already led to some big consequences for the Oculus Rift itself. Earlier today SUPERHYPERCUBE developer Polytron announced that it had cancelled Oculus support for the upcoming game.

The description of the campaign Luckey funded has been updated in the first paragraph and meta description.

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