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Oculus Rift Overtakes HTC Vive In Steam Survey For First Time

Oculus Rift Overtakes HTC Vive In Steam Survey For First Time

For the first time ever since the launch of both headsets in early 2016, the Oculus Rift has overtaken the HTC Vive on the monthly Steam hardware survey.

The survey is entirely optional and scans a user’s PC for various hardware components, including any VR headsets that may be connected. After a few months of catching up to Vive, the Rift was neck-and-neck with its rival in January’s survey with 0.9% between the two. However, February saw Oculus step past HTC; Rift took 47.31% of the total hardware usage and Vive fell to 45.38%, leaving just under 2% between them. It’s still a tight race, then, but this is the first time Rift has managed to surpass Vive.

Again, this is in no way confirmation that the Oculus Rift has sold more units than the HTC Vive, as neither headset has had official sales figures released, but it’s the best shot we’ve got at gauging the market share right now. Rift also took the ‘Most Popular Headset’ space in Steam’s individual listings for the second time ever.

Elsewhere, Windows Mixed Reality headsets grew marginally this month from 5.17% up to 5.36%.

This puts HTC and Oculus at an interesting position for 2018. Rift has so far had Vive beaten on price, offering $399 for headset and Touch controllers, while Vive is significantly more expensive at $599. But HTC is now prepping for the release of its enhanced Vive Pro headset, which is likely to cost most but bests Oculus in the display division. Could Pro’s release help HTC sway the numbers back in its favor?

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