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John Carmack Hoping To Update Oculus Link For Clearer Image

John Carmack Hoping To Update Oculus Link For Clearer Image

Oculus Link launched at the start of a very busy week last week, and everyone seems to be happy with it. But it’s well known that images shown inside your Quest when hooked up to a PC for Link are compressed slightly. John Carmack might tackle that in the future.

Taking to Twitter last week, Carmack was asked if Oculus Link users can expect clearer image quality in a future update. “I am hoping to add a new mode that takes full advantage of USB3.1 bandwidth,” he replied, “but that would be months out before it could hit users.”

Carmack’s technical wizardry once doubled resolution inside Oculus Home on Gear VR and he’s spent years optimising mobile VR performance. If anyone can get a clearer image quality out of Oculus Link, it’s him.

Compression on Link isn’t hugely problematic to begin with, but it’s great to hear that there might be further improvements still. Oculus Link is currently available in Beta, so it makes sense that we’d see more updates for the service as time went on. We also know that Facebook will be expanding Link to work with more graphics cards in the future, too.

This is also a sign that Carmack isn’t as removed from VR development as some might fear. Earlier this month the developer announced that he was moving to a consulting role at Facebook so that he could spend more time working on AI on his own.

Need more on Link? Check out the $13 recommended cable you can use to jump into PC VR. Or how about our list of PC VR games to play on the beta?

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