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This Half-Life: Alyx Mod Turns The Game Into Wolfenstein 3D

This Half-Life: Alyx Mod Turns The Game Into Wolfenstein 3D

The next Half-Life: Alyx mod to make the rounds pays tribute to the early roots of the first-person shooter (FPS) genre, bringing Wolfenstein 3D into VR.

The mod, from Grandmasterethel, brings the first level of the classic shooter into VR, complete with Alyx’s established set of mechanics. You’ll still be using the same weapons and fighting the same enemies from the core game, but classic textures and enemy placements remain the same. Even the secret areas can be activated, and we’re big fans of swapping out dogs for Antlions, too. Take a look at some gameplay below.

To get the mod (thanks to VHS Productions for bringing it to our attention) you’ll need to download the new Half-Life: Alyx launcher from JetLennit, which is available here (Update: The launcher is now on update 0.6 with further improvements include the ability to increase movement speed). Then download the map from here, open the launcher and click and drag the map file into the launcher. From there, drag the file again, this time over the hlalauncher.exe file and let go.

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen the classic Wolfenstein brought into VR. Back in 2018 modders developed a VR version of the game that uses the original guns and enemy models. Of course, there’s also an official VR game in Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot, though it doesn’t really share its roots with the original series and is pretty short.

As for Alyx, this is the second impressive mod we’ve seen this week. We also checked out a fun wave-based survival shooter called XenThug. In less impressive news, people are modding the game to be played without VR but, so far, the results don’t look very promising.

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