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'Gunjack' Is The Best-Selling Oculus Mobile Game

'Gunjack' Is The Best-Selling Oculus Mobile Game

While we don’t know how many Gear VRs are out there from Samsung and Oculus, we do now know the headset’s best-selling game.

As you might have guessed, CCP Games’ turret shooter, Gunjack, is that game. Company CEO Hilmar Veigar Pétursson stated as much on-stage during the opening keynote of this year’s EVE Fanfest in Reyjavik, Iceland. Hilmar didn’t confirm exactly how many copies of the title have been sold, but did half-joke that it was now the ‘best-selling VR game in the history of mankind’.

Given Gear VR’s head start over the release of other VR HMDs, there may be some truth to that statement, especially considering Gunjack was one of the titles included in bundles for Gear VR. Still, don’t expect those numbers to be staggering.

Set in CCP Games’ ever-growing EVE universe, Gunjack tasks players with defending an enormous mining vessel from enemy ships that arrive in waves. Aiming is assigned to the player’s head movements and firing can be done with the Gear VR’s on-board touchpad. The game features around 20 levels with leaderboards. Pétursson even joked that he was currently ninth on those boards, and encouraged players to try and knock him off.

Of course, Gear VR isn’t the only place that Gunjack is now available. The project was a launch title for both the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive over the past month, though there’s no mention if it could also come to PlayStation VR when it launches in October.

Elsewhere, CCP Games has also launched its flagship VR game, EVE: Valkyrie on Oculus Rift, with HTC Vive and PlayStation VR ports still to come. Combine that with the experiments the company is working on with its global VR Labs, and there’s plenty to look forward to from CCP.

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