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China Gets PlayStation VR in October, But For More Money With Less Games

China Gets PlayStation VR in October, But For More Money With Less Games

Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) is one of many gaming companies that’s tried to break into the Chinese market in recent years, and today it’s confirmed that it will be making another push with its upcoming PlayStation VR headset.

Earlier in the day, SIE hosted a press conference for the PlayStation brand to help kick off the ChinaJoy gaming event. PS VR played a big part of the show and, according to people at the event, was confirmed to release on the same day as it will in US, Europe and Japan, October 13th 2016. A price was also announced at 2999RMB, which converts to around $450. That’s a touch more expensive than the $399 US price, then, but SIE is also offering bundles with the PlayStation Camera (3299RMB/$495) and the Moves and Camera (3699RMB/$555) to help shave the price off.

Still, it’s far cheaper than the Oculus Rift, which isn’t even shipping to China just yet, and the HTC Vive.

There is another setback, however. According to Tech In Asia, PS VR won’t be getting as many games in China as it will in other territories. Over 50 games will be launching between October and December on the platform in the US and Europe, but China will only have around 20 and we’re not sure what they’ll be. That’s not too surprising given the difference in ratings, localizations, and distribution, though it’s sure to be a letdown to many Chinese fans that have been eagerly awaiting news on the headset and its robust support reaching their country.

China is set to become a major territory for the VR industry in the coming months and years, and Sony isn’t the only company that realizes this. HTC has also been placing huge emphasis on the country in recent weeks, opening up Vive-branded offices and launching accelerators and venture capital alliances that will operate in Beijing. In fact, we’ve already seen an inside look at the booming Chinese VR cafe submarket as well.

China is going to be a major source of income for the industry going forward, so the sooner headsets arrive the better.

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