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Check out 'Into the Dead,' an endless running zombie FPS for Gear VR

Check out 'Into the Dead,' an endless running zombie FPS for Gear VR

Endless zombie guts, chainsaw attacks, and a minigun? Sign me the hell up!

Amid all the news today about Gear VR pre-orders, Pik Pok, a mobile game company out of New Zealand, revealed a that they would be bringing their popular mobile title, ‘Into the Dead‘ to the Samsung Gear VR. Set during the middle of the zombie apocalypse, you are tasked with one not too simple thing… to survive the horde. Armed with a variety of upgradable weaponry the game has you constantly moving forward through the masses of zombies, mowing them down and completing missions along the way.  The game, which is already available on iOS and Android will be released with the Gear VR on November 20th.

First person shooters are a somewhat difficult genre to tackle in VR due to issues with motion sickness. However, the constant rate of speed at which one appears to move through this endless shooter should help to mitigate any of those effects. Dead Secret and Smash Hit, have both exhibited this type of motion successfully in their titles.

We will be sure to check the title out for ourselves when it releases and report back with our thoughts.



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