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Capcom's First VR Project is Resident Evil VII

Capcom's First VR Project is Resident Evil VII

Capcom’s first experiment in VR was the infamous Kitchen horror demo. For its first full game, it’s releasing what seems to be a prequel… called Resident Evil VII.

Okay so we’re not sure how that works but it was stated that the gameplay took place “before Kitchen“. That initial tech demo has been shown at a number of events in the past, but few would have guessed it would have turned into Resident Evil VR. The game is releasing on January 24th 2017 and will be fully playable in PlayStation VR, but it’s playable at E3 this week. The kit itself is launching on October 13th 2016 for $399.

It’s all very P.T.-eqsue; the player wakes up in a dank, dusty and dark room, only to hear a phone ring. Picking the receiver up, they hear “If you don’t get out of there they will kill you. Get out now.” What follows is an incredibly tense walk through the rest of the house, which is in ruins. Cockroaches crawl along tables and mannequins frighteningly appear from the side of your flashlight. At one point a figure walks past a door and the player gives chase very slowly. The demo ends with the player discovering a videotape.

A trailer then follow which featured the surprise logo. Previously, it had been rumoured that the game would be a complete reboot and not a sequel to Resident Evil 6. It was also said the game would completely refocus on the horror aspect of the franchise. It appears that at least half of the rumour was true, then, and it’s the part that will be a huge delight to hardcore horror fans. The rest of us might find this one a little too intense to experience within a VR HMD, though, and I don’t blame anyone.

Well that’s one big surprise for the VR industry as a whole.

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