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50 Days Of PS VR #21: '100FT Robot Golf' May Be The Craziest Game On PS4

50 Days Of PS VR #21: '100FT Robot Golf' May Be The Craziest Game On PS4

21 days to go until the launch of PlayStation VR! We’re counting down to the release of Sony’s VR headset on October 13th by highlighting one game a day for its anticipated release. Today we’re heading to the green and knocking down buildings with 100FT Robot Golf.

Golf is one of those sports that VR can do right from day one. You’re standing still, you can use one motion controller to perfect your swing, and you can be taken literally anywhere to play it. But do you know what sounds better than VR golf? VR robot golf. Better yet, 100FT VR robot golf. The kind of golf that makes you want to fist bump your caddy, hit the ball into the sun and call it a hole in one. These are the intensely exciting feelings we get from 100FT Robot Golf, the upcoming VR debut from indie developer No Goblin.

You may know that studio for its previous game, Roundabout, a ridiculous limo driving puzzle title that belongs with the growing ‘genre’ of slapstick gaming. 100FT Robot Golf is very much in tone with the developer’s previous release. Its 90’s-inspired mechs use cities, mountain ranges, the ocean and even the moon as their courses, and citizens flee in terror as you line up the perfect shot. The mechs that come with the game already boast brilliant designs (the shark is my personal favorite), but you’ll be able to customize your own behemoths to show off too.

The game is playable both in and out of VR, but we haven’t actually seen the latter version yet. Just the thought of hopping into the cockpit of these metal beasts is enough to get us excited for the VR integration, though, and watching some of the outlandish trailers only makes the wait harder.

One of the things we really like about Robot Golf is how much freedom the developer is giving players. Sure, you can put your head down and try and get in a few serious (as can be) rounds, but if you just want to mess around, firing rockets out of your back and knocking over buildings with a five iron, you can do that too. It should be obvious by name alone but this is not a PGA Tour game; you can be just as stupid and explosive as you want. In fact, that’s actually encouraged.

There’s a full campaign mode on offer here in which you’ll live life as some of the pilots behind these massive machines. Of course, all the best robot games allow you to play with your friends and this one lets you play with up to four. You can ditch the sport and start tearing each other to pieces. We’re not sure how VR integrates into the multiplayer, but we’re hoping it’s supported in this mode too.


Simply put, this could be PS VR’s craziest game, and with the likes of Job Simulator and The Modern Zombie Taxi Company out there, that’s saying quite a lot.

100FT Robot Golf will be launching on PlayStation 4 on October 10th. PlayStation VR, meanwhile, hits a few days later on October 13th, so we’re assuming the game will have VR support built in.


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