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Wilson's Heart is Releasing on April 25 at $39.99 Exclusively for Oculus Rift with Touch

Wilson's Heart is Releasing on April 25 at $39.99 Exclusively for Oculus Rift with Touch

Wilson’s Heart — a virtual reality psychological thriller from studio Twisted Pixel —  will be releasing on April 25 exclusively for the Oculus Rift with Touch.

The last time we saw Wilson’s Heart in action was during E3 2016 where it quickly became one of our most anticipated titles for 2017. This game blends a compelling narrative with fascinating mechanics and truly unique black and white visuals.


All we could say for sure about Wilson’s Heart following our brief demo last E3 was that it was as beautiful as it is horrifying. But now, Twisted Pixel is releasing a full synopsis in addition to the price and release information:

“Wilson’s Heart is an immersive first-person psychological thriller set in a 1940’s hospital that has undergone a haunting transformation. In this original VR adventure, you become Robert Wilson, a patient who awakens to the shocking discovery that his heart has been replaced with a mysterious device.

As the hospital hauntings intensify, you and your fellow patients must traverse increasingly maddening corridors, overcome frightening environmental hazards and work together to defeat the sinister inhabitants in your pursuit to reveal who stole your heart… and why.”


The visuals and setting aren’t the only thing that make Wilson’s Heart unique. It also features the one of the most impressive voice casts that a VR game has ever enjoyed with the likes of Peter Weller (Robert Wilson), Rosario Dawson (Elsa Wolcott) and Alfred Molina (Bela Blasco) all lending their voices to various characters.

During a demo with Wilson’s Heart in San Francisco last week, we learned for the first time that the game will feature combat mechanics. We previously believed that Wilson’s Heart would focus primarily on puzzles and exploration, but you will in fact get to enjoy hand to hand fights as a 60+ year old man. Let that sink in for a moment and smile.


In addition to the physical combat, you can also use environmental objects to defeat foes through quick time events that test your reflexes. The real focus, however, are your “Heart Powers.”

As the title implies, Wilson’s Heart is a game that revolves around your missing heart and the mystical/mechanical replacement you find in your chest. By pulling this orb out of your body (yes you read that right) you will have access to a variety of powers. The first of which is being described as, THE WANDERER:

“THE WANDERER seeks out and delivers penance to those who deserve it. As Robert Wilson, you will rip the heart device out of your chest and guide it around with a wave of your hand, using it in combat and to solve puzzles alike. The Wanderer is one of four heart powers you will unearth in the game.”


According to Twisted Pixel, Wilson’s Heart will feature roughly 8-10 hours of gameplay for most players depending on how fast they chose to progress through the game’s easter-egg filled environments.

Wilson’s Heart was funded by Oculus Studios and will be exclusive to the Oculus Rift with Touch. According to Oculus’ head of content, Jason Rubin, Wilson’s Heart will be the April installment of the company’s plan to release at least one high-quality, Oculus Studios title for Rift every month this year.

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