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Watch the Spellbinding Trailer for 'Waltz of the Wizard'

Watch the Spellbinding Trailer for 'Waltz of the Wizard'

Aldin Dynamics announced a beautiful looking VR game called Waltz of the Wizard designed to make use of tracked hand controllers. The trailer makes it look like a spellbinding cross between Harry Potter and Fantasia. Aldin would only confirm Vive support for the game right now.

Here’s the official description:

Waltz of the Wizard is a uniquely designed virtual reality experience that allows you to feel what it’s like to have magical powers. Combine arcane ingredients into a boiling cauldron, with the help of an ancient spirit trapped in a human skull, discovering spells and unleashing wizardry upon a world where everything is interactive. Visit new surroundings and find yourself in mysterious circumstances in an experience inspired by the atmosphere of films such as Fantasia and Harry Potter.

Waltz of the Wizard is an intuitive experience that serves as a great introduction to virtual reality for people of all ages. It is designed ground­ up for tracked VR input (also known as motion controllers), enabling players to use their own hands to interact with the virtual world. Whether to pick up objects, wield magical powers, use tools or interact with characters; Aldin seeks to utilize natural input and virtual reality to its fullest. The experience and its environment is designed to accommodate both room­scale and stationary gameplay modes.

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