This is getting confusing. VR Sports Challenge by Sanzaru Games was a launch title for the Oculus Rift’s Touch controllers, which just released this past December. It features an assortment of challenges and mini-games to play revolving around basketball, baseball, football, and hockey. There’s a ton to do and it’s super addictive. On the flip side we’ve also got VR Sports, a game that was recently announced from Free Range Games and HTC’s own Vive Studios. However, despite the similar title, that VR Sports actually focuses specifically on ping pong and tennis — albeit with great results.
Now there’s a third challenger that’s entered the ring with the release of VR Sports, a game that features the exact same name as the upcoming Vive Studios title, but is entirely different. This time around it’s developed by SAT-BOX and published by the indie label Degica Games with a focus on bowling, baseball, soccer, basketball, archery, clay shooting, and boxing. In terms of diversity it certainly comes out on top, but the interactions and mini-games aren’t as deep as VR Sports Challenge and the attention to detail isn’t as high as Vive Studios’ VR Sports.
All-in-all this is likely causing a lot of people to scratch their heads while the race to claim the “Wii Sports of VR” crown is hotly contested. For more on the game you can visit the Steam page where it’s currently available with official HTC Vive support at the price of $12.99 with a currently active 25% launch discount.