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"Huge 'Technolust' Expansion" Will Bring Your Hands Into the World With Oculus Touch

"Huge 'Technolust' Expansion" Will Bring Your Hands Into the World With Oculus Touch

When we reviewed Technolust back around the launch of the Oculus Rift, we praised the game’s atmosphere, clever world design, and engaging narrative. It felt like a dystopian future where VR had overrun society in both horrendous and revolutionary ways — almost like a not-so-distant potential future of our own.

With Touch coming soon, the upcoming motion-tracked hand-held controllers from Oculus, developers are racing not only to design games specifically for the devices, such as Dead and Buried, but also to update existing games to breathe new life into them. Giving players their hands to use in a virtual space is nothing short of a revelation for immersive gaming.

Technolust is no different. Late last month its creator, Blair Renaud, took to Twitter to lightly tease an upcoming expansion for his game, including support for the yet-to-be-released controllers:

Now today, only a couple weeks later, Renaud shared a teaser video showing the update itself in action. In the minute long demonstration, we get a good look at how the game will function while using the Touch controllers. Traditionally, the entire game was played with a standard Xbox One controller, but this opens up a lot more possibilities.

For starters, you can see in the footage various different hand models for different areas of the game. But even more interesting is the fact that it appears additional content is coming to the adventure game with this expansion, adding in more action-focused elements. You can see the player riding on the back of a motorcycle, shooting enemies, in what looks like a reference to Tron.

Details are still incredibly scarce at the moment, but if as much care that went into the original game’s release is put into this expansion, then we should be in for a treat once again when this massive update debuts. According to Renaud on YouTube, it will be a free, albeit large, patch for existing owners of the game.

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