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Space Pirate Trainer Updated For Quest 2’s Extra Graphics Power

Space Pirate Trainer Updated For Quest 2’s Extra Graphics Power

I-Illusions released a big Quest 2 graphics update for its popular VR wave shooter Space Pirate Trainer.

The new update brings the game’s visuals closer in line with its PC counterpart. There’s a noticeable shift in colors on Quest 2 before and after the update due to color correction that helps bring out the ‘80s arcade vibe. According to I-Illusions, there are also major differences to texture quality and lighting effects.

Space Pirate Trainer is one of a handful of games available on Quest that has a free demo version, and we’d definitely recommend giving it a try if you’ve never played before. Space Pirate Trainer has been in development by I-Illusions for basically the entire existence of room-scale hand-controlled consumer VR development platforms. That’s about five years now, and it is hard to find an early VR adopter who isn’t familiar with the game.

I ran through the game’s weapons with the latest update on Quest 2 and forgot how much polish and change it has seen over years of development. Each weapon has its own strength, and dual wielding can make things pretty dynamic especially with access to a shield. I’ve become so reliant on the Quark Cannon in the game over the years that I’d never noticed how much fun it is to launch a pair of grenades and detonate them in the middle of a swarm.


It felt pretty amazing to play such a clearly realized version of the game on a completely standalone headset.

The demo for Space Pirate Trainer is available here and you can purchase the full version on Quest or Quest 2 for $14.99.

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