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Second Google Daydream Headset Revealed - Manufactured by Huawei

Second Google Daydream Headset Revealed - Manufactured by Huawei

Google continues to make its interest in virtual reality more and more apparent. Last year, the Silicon Valley super giant formed an official VR division within its secretive walls and appointed Clay Bavor as its head. Fast forward to today and Google’s VR platform, dubbed Daydream is in full swing. The Daydream View headset hit the shelves in early November and made Google an official competitor with Samsung and Oculus for the mobile VR marketplace. Now, Google is expanding its library of smartphone powered VR headsets through the revelation of a second headset manufactured by the Chinese electronics giant: Huawei.

From the start, Google made it clear that Daydream would be a VR platform that other electronics manufacturers would eventually participate in with hardware of their own. It’s now clear that Huawei will be the first partner OEM to join Google in the race for mobile VR supremacy.

The new headset was unveiled via a Google blog post announcing an expanded suite of Daydream ready products. The post explains the specs of the Huawei headset more completely, explaining that:

“Huawei has been working on a Daydream-ready headset for launch at a later date. The Huawei VR headset is built to be easy to use. It has an adjustable focus so it can be used without eyeglasses, and provides a 95° field of view. By bringing new headsets onto the Daydream platform, we hope to give consumers even more choice in how they enjoy VR.”

The focus dial, and overall form factor of the Huawei manufactured device is reminiscent of a last-generation Samsung Gear VR. The picture also indicates that Huawei’s headset will also be taking advantage of the Google VR motion controller that features as a cornerstone of the Daydream ecosystem.

In addition to the Huawei headset, Google is also announcing four new Daydream ready smartphones from Huawei, Zenfone and Axon.

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