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ResearchVR Episode 35: Education for Sustainable Development with Carina Mentrup

ResearchVR Episode 35: Education for Sustainable Development with Carina Mentrup

This week on ResearchVR we dig deep into VR for sustainable development – meaning we are using virtual reality to help in solving climate change and consequences of the modern world’s rapid development.

Carina Mentrup is a winner of Hackvention 2016 Best Prototype Award. She is currently doing a Master of Education  in English and Geography. For her thesis, she is doing research on education for sustainable development through virtual reality experiences. She will test the prototype with students and share the research results with the VR community.

Episode Preview

Our guest this week is a perfect example of how amazing the VR community is these days. We met Carina for the first time at Hackvention 2016 in December when she only had an idea. By the end of the weekend-long hackathon, she had an application sufficient for testing with the target group.

We are all in this together, a global community. We all carry responsibility, every one of us on this planet, while we are here.

In this episode, we discussed things that are universal to anyone who makes a new application. We’ve started from easy things, like design questions: what is the best fidelity level in this particular case? What is the storytelling style? Who is the target group? More importantly, we’ve paid particular attention to the go-to-market strategy: how does Carina plan to convince people to use her VR app and how is she going to reach them? A crowdfunding campaign will start soon and you can register at the Save Planet A website to receive updates.

Learn more in Episode 35 – Education for Sustainable Development with Carina Mentrup. You can also subscribe to this podcast via your favorite app through the subscription button below.

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