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ResearchVR Episode 34 - VR Locomotion with Daniel Sproll of

ResearchVR Episode 34 - VR Locomotion with Daniel Sproll of

This week on ResearchVR we dig deep into VR locomotion from theoretical, practical and technical perspectives.

Daniel Sproll, co-founder at, started his virtual reality adventure “before it was cool” – over five years ago. Starting in psychology research using VR at Eyespace Lab, Sproll participated in projects such as Colosse and the Audi VR Showroom Experience. He joins us on this week’s podcast.

This episode was recorded in August 2016, however, it is just as up to date as it was back then.

Episode Preview

We have all battled with locomotion in virtual reality. At the moment the ideal – continuous locomotion – is simply not available, unless you have warehouse tracking or an omnidirectional treadmill. So the question is: how do I move in my virtual experience?

Every time you teleport I had a feeling like you start from scratch with your mental mapping.

Currently, teleportation is considered an almost-silver bullet. Most of the experiences on the market simply black out the screen and make you appear somewhere else. This has a rather dire consequence which is the user losing their spatial orientation. This means crucial seconds of confusion.

Learn more in Episode 34 – VR locomotion with Daniel Sproll from

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