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Palmer Luckey To Speak About VR's Future At The Tokyo Game Show

Palmer Luckey To Speak About VR's Future At The Tokyo Game Show

Vaqso, a company that recently raised over half a million dollars to help people smell things while in VR, announced today that at the company’s Tokyo Game Show 2017 (TGS) event stage they will have an assortment of collaborators and guest speakers. Chief among them is Palmer Luckey, co-founder of Oculus, inventor of the Oculus Rift, and former figurehead of the Facebook-owned VR company.

In an official press release from Vaqso, Luckey and the rest of the featured partners are mentioned as planning to, “share their thoughts on the future of Virtual Reality.” Other notable speakers include GOROman, the President & CEO of XVI Inc. and Prof. Takuji Narumi from The University of Tokyo.

Luckey has mostly been out of the public conscience in the months following his departure from Facebook-owned Oculus VR, although he has been active on Reddit and isn’t shy about donating money to causes that he supports.

News of Luckey’s alignment with a niche technology company like Vaqso doesn’t come as a huge surprise given his fascination with the VR world and adoration for Japanese culture. Perhaps this is one of the next steps on his way to officially returning to the public eye more fully, or perhaps this is just his way of staying active and interested.

TGS runs this year from September 21 to September 22 for business meetings and September 23 to September 24 for public days. You can find out more about Vaqso and the other sectors of the VR industry on display at TGS right here at UploadVR as the event draws closer. Let us know what you think down in the comments below!

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