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Oculus Is Sending Touch Launch Partners Controller-Shaped Trophies

Oculus Is Sending Touch Launch Partners Controller-Shaped Trophies

When the Oculus Touch controllers launched on December 6th, 2016, there were over 50 titles available on the Oculus Home store ready to take advantage of the input method. Early adopters of the Rift had been eagerly anticipating the ability to finally bring their hands and fingers into VR. Luckily, the controllers were worth the wait and are easily the best commercially available motion controllers for VR we’ve seen yet.

This week, a little more than 6 months after the Touch controllers launched, developers that were dubbed Launch Partners have started receiving impressive trophies with the launch date on them, along with the name of the game or application the company launched on Touch engraved on the front.

The image at the top of this article is the Bigscreen trophy, which you can see in its entirety below:

We’ve also seen Cloudhead Games’ trophy for The Gallery: Episode 1 – The Call of The Starseed:

With over 50 titles that launched with Touch back in December we’d imagine there are a few dozen other trophies out there as well. Are you one of the lucky developers or studios that received one of these trophies from Oculus for your hard work?

Let us know if you are! And if not, what do you think of the gesture?

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