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Nock: New VR Sport Merges Rocket League With Archery 'Soon' On Oculus Quest

Nock: New VR Sport Merges Rocket League With Archery 'Soon' On Oculus Quest

Nock is a new kind of VR sport on its way to Oculus Quest headsets that looks like Rocket League but with arrows and full-body avatars instead of cars.

The upcoming game comes from multiplayer toolkit company Normal VR and that already makes this a title our readers are going to want to keep an eye on. That’s because the same developers make a multiplayer software development kit for Unity that other VR devs have told us helped them considerably in adding that feature to their work. In addition, Normal VR already made an incredibly innovative and joyous multiplayer Quest title called Half+Half. That game features a collection of fun activities like Hide & Seek with features like wobbly avatars who make silly sounds. The design choices can make Half+Half a better introduction to social VR games for first time users than more well known platforms like Rec Room.

Altogether that means Nock — in addition to looking like an incredibly fun combination of archery and Rocket League — is also likely to serve as a showpiece for a new version of the Normcore multiplayer tools from Normal VR.

Check out the trailer:

We reached out to Normal VR to see if there is additional information about the game they’re revealing right now, but other than saying it is coming “soon” it sounds like they are working out some of the details still. We’ll keep our eye on Nock though and bring you the latest as soon as we have it.

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