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Levitation: Alyx Mod With 4-5 Hour Campaign Looks Amazing

Levitation: Alyx Mod With 4-5 Hour Campaign Looks Amazing

An upcoming Half-Life: Alyx mod looks absolutely stunning in a new trailer, promising an engaging and spectacular short campaign set in the Alyx universe.

The mod, titled Half-Life: Alyx – Levitation, will be released in Q3 of this year on Steam Workshop, available for free for those who own the base game. According to the developer, the mod campaign will be roughly 4 to 5 hours in length.

As you can see in the trailer embedded above, the production quality looks absolutely fantastic. There’s appearances from Russell and G-Man, with new (or perhaps just reworked) voice lines, and the story will center around a levitating building in Sector X that two of Alyx’s friends go to investigate.

In terms of gameplay, it seems like a continuation of similar stuff found in Alyx’s main campaign — a mixture of action, exploration and shooting, with hopefully some puzzles chucked in for good measure too.

Half-Life: Alyx released in early 2020 and since then we’ve seen some incredible mods available through Steam Workshop. One of the most prominent ones is the Alyx Bioshock VR mod, Return to Rapture, which is spread over two parts, the most recent of which released last month. Other mods such as Gunman Contracts overhaul Alyx into something completely new — in this case, a mobster shooter.

You can view our list of the best Alyx mods as of last October here. It’s been a while since we hopped onto Steam Workshop, so keep an eye out for an update with more Alyx mods added to the list in the coming weeks.

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